Monday, October 7, 2013

Cupcake Paintings

Nope, I don't bake. I paint!

Here is a set of 4 cupcake paintings that I painted. They include Cherry Cupcake, Chocolate Cupcake, Strawberry Cupcake and Orange Cupcake.These cupcakes are painted using Acrylics on 6 x 6 inch canvases.

It was so much fun to paint these cupcakes. I worked for 4 days, one day on each cupcake. My husband who was observing all these said to me, "These cupcakes look so mouth - watering. Do you want to have some?" Later, that evening we went to Starbucks and had Chocolate Cupcake. I have to mention they were yummy.

Let me know if you like my Cupcake Paintings. I really appreciate your feedback.

Cupcake Paintings (Acrylics on Canvas)

Strawberry Cupcake Painting (Acrylics on Canvas)

Orange Cupcake Painting (Acrylics on Canvas)

Chocolate Cupcake Painting (Acrylics on Canvas)

Cherry Cupcake Painting (Acrylics on Canvas)

1 comment:

  1. Your cupcakes are delicious. I love the shading and highlights of the frosting. Impressive work.


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