Monday, October 10, 2011

Games Festival - IndieCade 2011

IndieCade 2011 took place in Culver City, Los Angeles last weekend (October 8 – 9). For the first time I attended this game festival organized by IndieCade in California. Thousands of casual gamers and industry junkies were hanging around in the place. It was an incredible experience to see some of the coolest and absolutely innovative works of independent game developers.

There were 31 finalists with their games ranging from platformers, simple puzzles, turn – based strategy, point and click adventure, social games and many more. Audiences had a great time previewing these bizarre casual games.

Every game showcased at the IndieCade festival was unique considering the gameplay and the art style. There were some games which were amazing in quality. They had all the key features of a casual game. Skulls of the Shogun, Deepak Fights Robots & Ibb and Obb are my personal favorites from this bunch in IndieCade 2011.

I’m looking forward to more such delightful events to attend and also to be a part of it.


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